Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Los Angeles Fast Food Ban?

It just doesn't make sense. The road to the Police State is paved with good intentions, it's for your safety? The world is a dangerous place, the role of government is to maintain order and protect people from harm, not HAMBURGERS! Los Angeles City Council memebr Jan Perry believes otherwise.

I have posted about this before. This ban will hurt small businesses and the residents that depend on these jobs. Legislation like this will not stop people from eating bad food. The time and energy is best spent on educating people about the hazards of eating fast food 5 times a week rather than restricting free enterprise.

Read the story here on LA Eater.


Jennifer said...

Totally agreed. This kind of action is completely misguided. Though...maybe it will open the door for privately owned/family run restaurants and taco places to come it? In the long run, however, I don't see it having any impact on making people healthier.

Anonymous said...

The biggest problem is attracting grocers and vendors who can bring in fresh fruits and vegetables to these areas. And getting grocers to invest in these communities.

It's a good intention, but you know what they say about Hell...

The George said...

Actually there are lots of Latin American Markets in that part of Los Angeles that have fresh fruits and vegtables.

Jan Perry is misguided. The issue is Obesity. Obese people, Fat people should not eat Fast Food.

Hopefully we can make Fat a Negative again in this society.