Friday, November 16, 2007

Getting Things Done.

David Allen's Getting Things Done.

This is a cross post with another Blog I read daily. is a daily Blog about the World of Warcraft. The World of Warcraft (WoW) is as intense as any activity in real life. You get more out of WoW relative the amount of time you dedicate to the task at hand. Getting things done in WoW, like real life requires good planning which is a combination of time, energy and preparation. John Wooden, the famous UCLA Basketball coach has a quote, "Failing to preparing is preparing to fail."

I recommend David Allen's Getting Things Done. It is easy and no nonsense book about making lists and following through on the items on your list. If its not important enough to make it on the list don't do it and don't waste time on it.

I am writing this entry while my character is running the Daily Quests for Gold in the World of Warcraft. I came up with the idea for this entry while writing a list at a Peet's Coffee this morning. Using my time effective allows me to write a blog while making gold simultaneously.

This a great gift for anyone in business, marketing, finance and real estate. Oh it also works great for Mom's and teenagers trying to manage thier time.

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