Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Apple release new iPods Today

Apple will release new iPods today. Increased capacity and lower prices. This makes me think about Sony. Is a Sony Walkman, even a Digital Walkman still relevant?

Read this article from C|Net  It's time for Sony to refocus on its products not its Brand.

Sony has relied on its name for too long. The company needs to get out of those markets where it's barely relevant and become a more agile company that's capable of putting its money into those endeavors that matter most. Being an also-ran isn't acceptable anymore for Sony and it needs to start realizing that the future is in being the best in every market it competes in.
Seriously Sony was great in the 80's and 90's but they have produced anything worthwhile in a long time. Blu-ray doesn't count unitl The Godfather, Ironman and Star Wars is available.

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