Like millions of Americans my friend KK put up her Christrmas Tree. She leaves the Christmas Tree Lights on all day, becasue it makes it her happy. But if you are worried about being burned by the monthly electric bill than Go Green This Christmas.
It only cost $12 to go green. Three CFL Light Bulbs can save up to $200 a year on your electric bill. I have about 7 CFLS installed all over my house in lamps, hallways, the kitchen and the bathroom. These are most commonly used lights in my home. At the present time CFL's cannot be fitted for track lighting but the savings is noticable on my monthly bill.
It only cost $12 to go green. Three CFL Light Bulbs can save up to $200 a year on your electric bill. I have about 7 CFLS installed all over my house in lamps, hallways, the kitchen and the bathroom. These are most commonly used lights in my home. At the present time CFL's cannot be fitted for track lighting but the savings is noticable on my monthly bill.
Inserting a few CFL's in someone's Christmas stocking or holiday gift bag is a good way of promoting Enviornmentalism while also giving the person something they didn't think they need but that everyone does. It better to have it then have to run out and waste time and gas for something so ubiquitous as a light bulb.
That's an awesome idea! Forget the mini tubes of toothpaste...compact lightbulbs are a much better stocking stuffer. Plus, you can get your christmas lights in LED form now, too!
oooh i love the stocking stuffer idea!
If you're bad you get coal. But if you are GOOD children you get to reduce your carbon footprint with some CFL bulbs!
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